Gaming on the iPhone has now perhaps its greatest champion, a sword and magic fighter created by the team behind…
Gaming on the iPhone has now perhaps its greatest champion, a sword and magic fighter created by the team behind…
I will happily argue with anyone that the first LittleBigPlanet was a game more easily appreciated than enjoyed. A…
Now that Microsoft's Kinect camera sensor has been hacked from mere video game controller to homebrew developer's…
He's one of the most hated men in movies. Critics pan his flicks. Audiences aren't having it. Gamers loathe him.…
While we're still working on our LittleBigPlanet 2 impressions, have a look at the classic first-person shooter…
This is the marvelous, charming first several minutes of LittleBigPlanet 2. We'll have impressions later today of…
Something's been bothering me ever since I started playing Angry Birds on the iPhone. Apparently I'm not alone.
Luke isn't the only huge fan of Adventure Time at Kotaku. I love watching the trippy adventures of Finn and…
In Arkham Asylum Batman hunted down an assortment of Gotham City's most violent criminals. In Arkham City, someone…
When YouTube user Sp0ntanius covered the tune "Song of Healing" from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, he didn't…
As someone who is more often on the receiving end of Street FIghter combos, I can only look at this man string…
Crackdown 2 was a video game that pretty much came and went in mid-Summer. It was okay, but no Game of the Year…
I always figured practicing safe sex in 8-bit was as easy as defeating Condom Man and stealing his powers. Not so…
No, you still can't play titles like Assassin's Creed II or Borderlands on your fancy iPad tablet, but you can…
Atari has released the first trailer and new screens for Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime,the downloadable follow-up…
What's with Black Eyed Peas' latest album and its many allusions to video games.
The people who make Rolando are now making a PlayStation 3 exclusive, Okabu, a game that's described by its…
How would video game cheats work in a real gunfight? Let's see!
This is Warsoup. Do I need to tell you anything more? It's a game called Warsoup! Oh, and it is a combination of…