Apex Legends’ Season 7 is here, and a wave of bans has come alongside its new map and character. Over 400 players…
Unprecedented, globe-spanning popularity is cool and all, but it comes with drawbacks. The three-person development…
The website PerfectAim no longer sells cheats for Destiny 2 after it says it received a cease and desist letter from…
The past few years have made us all pretty numb to the depths of human depravity, but large swathes of people still…
As part of its attempts to crack down on cheating in Counter-Strike, and in particular one exploit that teams have…
Following in the footsteps of games like Apex Legends, Fall Guys developers Mediatonic decided that if people were…
CxCheats, a small company that sells cheats and trainers for a variety of games, will no longer be offering Call of…
The Division 2 received its second post-game raid, Operation Iron Horse, yesterday, setting off a mad dash by…
Blizzard announced yesterday that it’s pulled the plug on over 74,000 World of Warcraft player accounts involved in…
Yesterday, Riot Games’ new tactical shooter, Valorant, emerged from its post-beta slumber and into full release.…
Cheaters get banned every day, but something you don’t see too often is the cheaters getting banned after winning a…
Sekosama, the winner of the Asian leg of the The Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS), has been suspended from the game…
Newbee, a Chinese DOTA2 organization who won the 2014 DOTA2 International and is a founding member of the Chinese…
Valorant’s “Vanguard” anti-cheat system has been responsible for controversy and melted PCs, but we now have…
There’s anti-cheat software, and then there’s the program Valorant’s got under its hood. When the game’s closed beta…
Riot’s new shooter Valorant pissed a lot of people off recently with what was perceived as a heavy-handed approach…
It’s been great finally having Destiny’s top-tier competitive activity Trials of Osiris back in the game, but the…
Players who install Valorant, the new first-person shooter from Riot, also add to their computer an anti-cheat…
Pokémon Sword and Shield players recently discovered an exploit they can use to inflate their competitive rankings,…