Activision and Treyarch bring Japanese Imperial zombie killing to World War II in June, with the release of the…
There's just something about Nazi zombies that brings players out in droves, as the first Call of Duty: World at War
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have thrown their support behind the Academy of Notre Dame student…
Students at the Academy of Notre Dame in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, are up in arms over Activision's Call of Duty:…
Call of Duty: World at War's first map went live this morning. Here's a breakdown of how fun each of the new maps…
More legions of Nazi undead are headed your way in Call of Duty: World at War's upcoming map pack. This trailer…
There's a Call of Duty: World at War map pack on the way. Three new multiplayer maps will be offered, but we know…
Somewhat understandably, given the fact he's Jewish, Rabbi Micah Kelber has always had a few issues with Nazis.…
The latest patch for Call of Duty World at War hits the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 today, bringing with it a free…
Although it's some versions are rated T, Call of Duty had some troubling aspects for a father of a 13-year-old who…
Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 1 hits the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 in March with four new maps,…
You like shooting zombies. You love shooting Nazis. It's the first-person shooter equivalent of peanut butter and…
Saturday, New York's Nate Robinson saluted before taking his first free throws. Seems he was proving his identity to…
Didn't much care for World at War. Seemed a bit...trashy. But the bit at the end, where you can kill Nazi zombies? Lo…
Call of Duty: World at War couldn't win the battle against the Wii in December, selling 150,000 units shy of Wii Play…
Not sure if you've noticed, but the economy's in the toilet. Even the supposed "recession-proof" video game industry…
Those of you itching to spend some quality time early next year shooting other people in World War 2-era gear might…
Bad news, subjects of death threats and various online harassments: having someone tell you they're going to kill…
Considering that the downloadable content offered for previous Call of Dutys consisted of run-of-the-mill map packs,…