Only two days left to get me your pumpkins if you want 'em posted. Today's patch features more Mario Bros., Aliens…
The age of downloadable content dawns in Brutal Legend next month, when the Tears of the Hextadon map pack goes on…
Kotaku reader Grayson Wendell spotted this ad at his local Texas Friendly Chevrolet. Gosh, Texas, you're really in…
As seen on a Tweet to me from pumpkin carver TickleMeFetus.
Half the fun of super-long video game lists is scrolling through to see if your favorite/most-hated games are on…
'You've got a lot of people who've proposed a lot of side projects," says Mötorhead's Lemmy Kilmister, "and this is…
In an open letter on the Double Fine community site Brutal Legend developer and Double Fine head honcho Tim Schafer…
Rarely have we seen a promotional force as ripped as Jack Black... as Brutal Legend's Eddie Riggs. Black took his…
There's no doubt in anyone's mind that Brutal Legend rocks, but how does it play?
Join roadie Eddie Riggs on a magical journey to free a heavy metal fantasy world from the grips of demonic…
In an interview with USA Today, comedian and video game star Jack Black talks about his gaming roots and the…
If you thrive on cautious optimism and the soothing words of Wedbush Securities Michael Pachter, always available…
This statue appeared on my doorstep late Friday. I'm told only 1,000 of these Brutal Legend statues have been made.
Only 1,000 of the Eddie Riggs Brütal Legend ceramic figures have been made, and Electronic Arts hasn't divulged just…
Who didn't see this one coming? A triple pack of music from Brutal Legend hits the Rock Band Music Store next week,…
It's two, two, two midnight launches in one, as GameStop leaves a large portion of their North American stores open…
Heavy metal adventure Brutal Legend will make a repeat appearance on NBC's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, as Double…
What's EA doing in Japan? Making partnerships. Putting out games. And determining that Dead Space Extraction suits…
Remember the Brütal Bus Soapbox? Not only did it finish this weekend's Los Angeles Red Bull Soapbox Race intact, it…
Two highly anticipated demos make their way onto Xbox Live today, with Brutal Legend escaping from preorder…