Only 1,000 of the Eddie Riggs Brütal Legend ceramic figures have been made, and Electronic Arts hasn't divulged just how to get one beyond getting lucky and winning it. And they're giving you just such an opportunity now.
Entering to win is simplicity itself:
Edit: Well, not when a sloppy job by yours truly fucks everything up. This version originally failed to include the link to the Official Brutal Legend site. That coupled with instruction No. 2 led a lot of people to believe that by commenting here, they were entering. Sorry, you're not. We have nothing to do with this contest. You need to go here to enter. My deepest apologies. - OSG
1) Go to the window, look outside, and verify that you are in the United States. If you're at a friend's house, look at your driver's license and make sure it has a U.S. address. If you're still not certain, call your parents and ask where you live.
2) Post a comment on this thread on the official Brütal Legend site. Note: You'll have to register a free account. That's how they'll find you.
3) That's it.
Electronic Arts will notify the lucky headbanger after one is randomly selected. For a closer look at the goods, check out this gallery.
Win an Eddie Riggs Figure from BRUTAL! [Brutal, thanks Ryan W. and others]