The switch on Sony's "electrifying announcement" may have just been flipped, as a Best Buy pre-order box for…
A new advertisement appearing earlier than expected in Sony's PlayStation Home reveals the ability to play as The…
Dead Rising's brown-coat-wearing photojournalist hero had a great name: Frank West. What about the…
Today in Tokyo, Microsoft is holding its spring 2009 press conference. Xbox Japan boss Takashi Sensui announces that…
The Fab Four are coming to Rock Band, and they've got a limited edition bundle to prove it.
Or play it on your PSP, even. That is, if you have a Japanese PSN account. Today, Square Enix released Final Fantasy…
As we posted earlier, Sony told us it was planning an announcement for Tuesday. Today is Tuesday, and Sony has made…
Capcom has announced that the "Versus Mode" DLC for Resident Evil 5 has been delayed. The mode pits players against…
According to Korean news site Chosun Online, Sony has ceased supplying South Korea with PS3s for the time being in…
Last Friday, Capcom announced it would be unveiling a new game over Xbox LIVE on Monday. Well, today's Monday, and…
The latest incarnation of the Nintendo DS, the Nintendo DSi, will be released in the U.S. on April 5 and priced at…
Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Nintendo character Kirby and designer of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, is creating a new…
It's official. Square Enix has announced that upcoming DS title Dragon Quest IX has been pushed back.
Jaleco Holdings is leaving the industry. As of January 15, 2009, the company transferred 100 percent of ownership…
Valkyries in thong bikinis with electric guitars descend from on high to herald the announcement that Tim Schafer's…
Click to viewJust got a press release from Sony. All about Home. It's pretty long. Basically says that, after months…
Click to viewA new flash site has just gone live on Konami's Kojima Productions website. The flash site is…
A USA Today report is the setting for the announcement of Grand Theft Auto IV's long-awaited piece of downloadable…
Remember when EA said they were looking at ways they could take a chunk out of Nintendo's Wii Fit market? Well, they…
Click to view Electronic Arts is closing their Casual Label, merging it and their Hasbro partnership with The Sims…