A body believed to be of missing teen gamer Brandon Crisp was discovered this morning in the Barrie area, police…
Click to viewThe ESA is giving E3 another go in 2009, still trying to find the sweet spot between the ear-splitting…
Click to viewShe's turned her brown eyes blue. The first Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li promo pic of actress…
Click to viewBlizzard just announced that StarCraft II's single player campaign would be split into three separate…
During their Fall Press Conference today, Nintendo have - as expected - announced a new version of the Nintendo DS.…
At 1:30 Tokyo Time, Nintendo kicked its fall press conference. Since Nintendo is not attending the Tokyo Game Show,…
Click to viewSquare Enix has finally dated Dragon Quest IX. The Level 5 developed DS title will get its Japan…
According to a report from Nikkei Net, Nintendo will introduce a new iteration of this Nintendo DS later this year,…
Click to viewThe countdown clock over at Bungie.net has ended, revealing a rather cryptic teaser trailer entitled…
Big news coming out of the Ensemble closure today, as Gamasutra are reporting that the Age of Empires developers…
Click to viewDon't roll those eyes. Unlike most Wii patent lawsuits, this one could be a little more serious.…
Click to viewAccording to sales data from Famitsu publisher, the Xbox 360 is the top selling home console in Japan…
The Level 5 developed PS3 exclusive White Knight Chronicles has finally been dated: The game will be released in…
GamesIndustry.biz has posted a rumor this morning regarding big changes in store for MMO publisher NCSoft.…
Back in June, we first broke the news that two Team Ninja employees filed suit with the Tokyo District Court for…
Click to viewJilted, scorned. Square Enix has just announced it is withdrawing its offer to Tecmo of a "friendly…
Click to viewEarlier today, Tecmo rejected Square Enix's offer of a "friendly takeover." After collecting opinions…
Click to view On the heels of rejecting Square Enix's "friendly" takeover, Tecmo announced a merger with Japanese…
Click to viewOn August 28th, Kotaku first broke the news that Square Enix made an offer to Tecmo for a "friendly"…