Entertainment Software Ratings Board description's are a welcome recent addition, clinically telling us about all…
Sega announced today that the Platinum Games developed Bayonetta would ship worldwide sometime this Fall, also…
Today in Tokyo, SEGA announced multi-platform title Bayonetta will be ready to magical giant boot kick you in the…
Bayonetta enjoys a lollipop, fights atop a flying airplane, and shows off her kitty in this "First Climax"…
Think upcoming action title Bayonetta looks a bit like Devil May Cry? Not surprising as Platinum Games producer…
Every day is a bad hair day for the creatures that go up against Bayonetta, as these new screens from Platinum Games
In case you missed it, today turned out to be SEGA DAY! Happy Sega Day, go hug a hedgehog!*
From Croft to Cammy, I'll take a female protagonist over some cheesy line-spewing pretty boy any day of the week.
Click to view Hairy crotch shots broadcast on twenty foot screens normally aren't kosher at Tokyo Game Show. But…
Ah, our first look at Platinum Games' Bayonetta. Because scans can only convey so much sexy. Sadly it's a sparse,…
It's a shame that Sega hasn't released any screen shots of Bayonetta in action to share with you. Platinum Games'…
Hideki Kamiya is best known for two things: Creating Devil May Cry and being enthralled by American supermarkets.…
Dante is a pansy. Bayonetta could completely kick his ass. Star of her own eponymous game, the fruit of the…
Choices, choices, choices. We've got three home console platforms: PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. (Don't forget the PC!)…
3D action games haven't evolved? Hideki Kamiya, the brains behind defining 3D action game Devil May Cry doesn't…
Like what you've seen so far from Platinum Games? Good, because bet your ass there's going to be more. Sequels,…
In case you had any doubts about the sheer brilliance of the minds working for PlatinumGames on the newly announced…
Sometimes a rumor is a rumor only because the press release hasn't hit yet, as is the case with Sega's newly…
Black, white and blood: It's a formula that Sega of America head honcho Simon Jeffery hopes will help the company…