Sega announced the delay of Bayonetta last month, making American gamers wait until 2010 to beat up angels as a hot…
Sega has released what looks to be the final box art for PlatinumGames' Bayonetta. Like each of the game's trailers,…
Predictable way to describe it, sure, but also accurate. Look at it! It's lovely. If Microsoft ever needs any idea…
Ho boy, Sega's asking for it in their latest Bayonetta competition.
Bayonetta, the over-the-top action brawler from Platinum Games, just got bumped into January 2010, Sega announced…
Sega and PlatinumGames have pledged to release Bayonetta for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 worldwide this Fall. The…
The video game presence at this year's San Diego Comic-Con is quickly expanding, as Sega has revealed what it's…
Kudo-san works at PlatinumGames. What does he do? "When I introduce myself to people outside the industry," he…
.html PlatinumGames' Bayonetta should give you ample combo perfecting practice, as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3…
This year's annual E3 Expo gathering of video game developers, publishers and players brought with it an…
I really dig PlatinumGames' Bayonetta, especially after being able to finally go hands-on with the game at E3. I…
Dead or Alive creator Tomonobu Itagaki has left Tecmo's Team Ninja. He's been away, but has returned with a new…
PlatinumGames' Bayonetta is packed with megatons. The action game from Devil May Cry creator Hideki Kamiya starring…
Sega found a winner for that Bayonetta contest, and she's been breaking men's hearts all week long over at the…
Sega is bringing its A game to E3 2009. Two A games, in fact, along with a B game, a C game, two Olympic titles,…
The most recent trailer for PlatinumGames Bayonetta comes and goes in a mere 90-seconds, an attention-stealing high…

Platinum Games' Bayonetta didn't always look this good in motion. Before the gun-happy witch had her posterior so…
Don't think of "stylish action game" Bayonetta as Devil May Cry in heels, think of it as Devil May Cry in heels with…