Ho boy, Sega's asking for it in their latest Bayonetta competition.
Teaming up with Wizard magazine, Sega is asking fans to enter their original artistic take on the sexy hirsute heroine from upcoming, over-the-top action title Bayonetta.
The winner of the Bayonetta Re-Envisioned contest will get an Xbox 360, a 50-inch Panasonic Plasma HDTV and an Xbox 360 version of Bayonetta.
All submissions must be received by Aug. 28 and no tracing Sarah Palin's face onto Bayonetta's body. Other bummers from the official rules?
"Competitors agree that all submitted material is an original creation and any User Content that displays full nudity, nipples or genitalia, or enacts or simulates any sexual act will be not be eligible to compete. "
Well there goes all of MY drawings!!!