We were lucky to get the second game, hoping for a third one is torture
By day, Gage Allen makes video game trailers. But for this Battlefield clip, he wanted to do something different.…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Battlefield V mid-air revives, Call of Duty monkey bomb strategies, Smash Bros.…
The Monte Grappa map in Battlefield 1 is a divisive experience. Based on a bloody, treacherous set of battles from…
It may be a rare sight today, but a demo is one of the best things an upcoming game can do for its audience. Of…
Battlefield 1’s easter eggs include a giant shark hidden in a puddle and a dripping pipe that gave the announcement…
Over a year after its discovery, a long-locked puzzle door in Battlefield 1 is finally open. Inside? Why, more…
Battlefield 1's developers are giving away its They Shall Not Pass expansion, originally released back in March of…
The Battlefield 1 developers announced this week that they will be adding a mode called Shock Operations to the game in June. Focused on a single map instead of several, Shock Operations will offer the same attack and defense gameplay without the longer time commitment of a full Operation.
Here’s a nightmare I’ve actually had: I’m a soldier in a war, and no one’s told me what to do. Bullets are whizzing…
Battlefield 1’s easter eggs are normally big things like giant sharks or flying houses, but this small musical…
Battlefield 1’s final expansion, fittingly called Apocalypse, released during the last week of February. Alongside…
Hello. I’m Cameron Kunzelman. I’m your new Weekend Editor.
Battlefield 1’s final DLC, Apocalypse, shows some of World War One’s most harrowing battles and experimental…
The fourth and final expansion pack for Battlefield 1, Apocalypse, released last week. It leans into everything that …
Today on Highlight Reel we have Escape from Tarkov moves, deadly choppers, a dramatic Battlefield horse, and much…
With all of the games that 2017 has offered up so far, 2016’s Battlefield 1 continues to give me new stuff to play.…
Battlefield 1 continues the franchise’s tradition of launching in a somewhat patchy state, only to be bolstered…
Battlefield 1’s latest expansion In The Name Of The Tsar adds the Russian Civil War to the game’s multiplayer with…
Today on Highlight Reel we have lucky shots, butts of stone, teleportation, lucky shots, bike flips and much more!