This is Eternal Legacy, a new iPhone/iPad/iTouch game from Gameloft that could be mistaken for Final Fantasy in a…
This is Eternal Legacy, a new iPhone/iPad/iTouch game from Gameloft that could be mistaken for Final Fantasy in a…
I'm a big fan of Infinity Blade's amazing graphics and interesting take on iPhone gaming. So it's great to hear…
Infinity Blade on the iPhone looks damn good. And as of Thursday, anyone will be able to make a game for the iPhone,…
This isn't really how Switzerland came about, though wouldn't it be great if it were. Instead it's an amusing…
Last week famed indie-developer Jenova Chen explained how to cheat your way through iGame Smurf Village. This week…
Epic's amazing Infinity Blade dominates the iPhone and iPad charts this week. Rightfully so.
Gameloft's Dungeon Hunter 2 brings more of what made the original Diablo-clone so much fun to play with the…
Namco brings the sequel to the original role-puzzling game to the iPhone, and while Puzzle Quest 2's engaging…
According to sources within Apple's component supply chain the company is gearing up to introduce a new version of…
If you've got small kids, you may want to keep them away from your iPad or iPhone, as many of the latest games on…
The Natural Motion people know their physics. So they made a football game. And then they made a Jenga game.
Pogo has been drawing casual gamers to its website for more than a decade. Now EA's casual gaming hub makes the…
Gaming on the iPhone has now perhaps its greatest champion, a sword and magic fighter created by the team behind…
The man in charge of making sure that Apple's popular portable devices play games well is no longer with the tech…
No, you still can't play titles like Assassin's Creed II or Borderlands on your fancy iPad tablet, but you can…
Earlier this year, Blizzard attempted to introduce a "real ID" system, whereby users on the company's forums would…
Game Dev Story is a neat little iPhone game that's about running a studio that makes video games. It went down well…
Starcraft is on the PC. It's also on the Mac. And Nintendo 64. And that's it. So how is somebody playing the…
EA's big holiday sale brings Scrabble, Monopoly, and Madden back into the iPhone fold, knocking off promising…
To find out the best laptops of 2010, we checked in with Mark Spoonauer who, as editor-in-chief of Laptop Magazine…