Tipped by commenter Mountanderson and verified by our own 3DS units, Zelda's 25th anniversary celebration is now in…
We've got ourselves a new 3D classic in this week's Nintendo Download.... TwinBee. Remember TwinBee? Konami shooter?…
At the end of my visit with Nintendo this week, we were given some DSiXLs and set loose on The Legend of Zelda:…
Another week has passed, and once more Nintendo has brought us an amazing lineup of downloadable goodies! Mega Man…
In today's disgustingly dirty edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Dracosummoner wonders what everyone does to…
Nintendo is no stranger to hardware iterations. Its last portable, the Nintendo DS, saw several major revisions. The…
Today, Nintendo revealed that it will release a new DSi XL color—Metallic Rose. Nintendo described it as…
You didn't think we forgot about the Nintendo Download, did you? Well we did, two weeks in a row, but now it's back…
In the past decade, retro game bars have popped up across Japan. Part of the appeal is that these water holes have…
Love Plus, Konami's love simulator, is getting a 3DS version. It's new and called New Love Plus. New Love Plus means…
When the most exciting downloadable title in Nintendo's weekly lineup is an air traffic control sim game, it's…
It's Thursday, and Nintendo has updated its various digital delivery services with fresh new games, some that come…
As can happen on a service that's normally home to so much shovelware and so many bite-sized games, it's easy to…
I can understand leaving Mario Picross for the original Game Boy in black and white, but in this day and age a…
So you spent an extra $80 on the 3DS than folks picking it up next month. You'll be getting 20 free games…
An individual who apparently is in a refuge shelter because of the March 11 earthquake received a special package…
One of these days, when we least expect it, the Nintendo eShop will update and the new Nintendo Video app will be…
Ridin' through this world, all alone. God takes your soul; you're on your own. That is unless you've got the…
This week's Nintendo Download is here, bringing with it a double dose of overpriced Game Boy classics and a load of…
Artist Justin Wallis has taken Gecko's chiptune track 1988 and made his own music video for it, using little but…