CultureNewsCultureNewsZombie Atari Celebrates 50-Year Legacy With NFT Loot BoxesThe gaming brand that just won’t die has found a new gimmick to latch ontoByEthan GachPublishedJanuary 27, 2022
CultureCultureThe Week In Games: Yay, More Shovel KnightA new Shovel Knight spin-off, The Gunk on Game Pass, Trash Sailors, some ports, and even a Wii U releaseByZack ZwiezenPublishedDecember 12, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsThe Recent EVE Online Riots Where Thousands of Fans Burned Their In-Game Money, ExplainedWill the changes usher in a new Age of Prosperity? Or will this be EVE's Winter of Discontent?ByLee YancyPublishedNovember 24, 2021
CultureCultureEvery Indie Game Shown During Today’s Guerrilla Collective ShowcaseIt’s officially E3 season. Between the marquee E3 pressers (Microsoft, Square Enix, Ubisoft, et cetera) and…ByAri NotisPublishedJune 5, 2021
ReviewsBacklogReviewsBacklogOnly After I Embraced My Doom Did Abadox Reveal Its CharmsI’ve been playing a lotta Nintendo Entertainment System lately, partially to make sure RetroArch’s workin’ fine on…ByAlexandra HallPublishedApril 9, 2021
CultureCultureThe Week In Games: WerewolvesAnother quiet release week. One of the biggest games coming out later this week is the Switch port of Werewolf: The…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedJanuary 4, 2021
CultureMorning MusicCultureMorning MusicAny Place Is Where I Want To Be When I’m Listening To FTL: Faster Than Light’s Otherworldly TunesWelcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make.…ByEthan GachPublishedDecember 2, 2020
CultureVery FirstCultureVery First3D Monster Maze Was The Very First Horror GameLong-running video game franchises and genres all have to start somewhere, and it’s not always pretty. Looking back…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedOctober 17, 2020
CultureCultureEVE Online Players Aren't Happy With The Game's Latest Resource ChangesEVE Online fortunes can be made or broken in a manner of minutes. A few seconds of inattentiveness can cause the…ByLee YancyPublishedSeptember 29, 2020
12/24/19EVE Online Resource Changes Could Spark More WarLarge groups of EVE Online players often band together for safety, security, and shared prosperity, which eventually…ByLee YancyPublishedDecember 24, 2019