Owen Good's posts

Owen Good

One million PlayStation 4s were sold to customers in the first 24 hours the console was available, Sony said in a news release this morning. The PS4's Nov. 15 launch was in the U.S. and Canada only. Sony has said it expects to sell 3 million by year's end. The PS4 launches in Europe and Australia on Nov. 29. Read more

Happy Birthday, Shigeru Miyamoto. The creator of Mario, Zelda, Pikmin and many more games we love turned 61 today. Read more

When do we call the current console generation the last generation, and the next generation the current generation? Day one of the first console? Once all consoles have launched? After all games of their launch window? A year? Let's talk this over. Read more

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy launches Feb. 28 for Nintendo 3DS and will be in stores and on the Nintendo eShop. The game will feature a storyline uniting the two Layton trilogies. Read more