QUOTE | "I feel people just don't want to associate making games with making money. It sort of breaks the taboo of…
QUOTE | "I feel people just don't want to associate making games with making money. It sort of breaks the taboo of…
QUOTE | "Only the developers' conscience should define what type of game they want to make, and its level of…
QUOTE | "I think linear story games are really going to suffer in the modern marketplace." - Far Cry 4 creative…
QUOTE | "There was a time when spines were pulled out of players, and we don't have to do that anymore." - Veteran…
QUOTE | "We do all the things we can to essentially brainwash people into liking it before it actually comes out." -…
QUOTE | "We're going to be remembered as the dorky looking goggles that people were putting on in the beginning." -…
QUOTE | "As an industry person, I hope they drop like a fly. It's better when the industry gets shaken up." - Unity…
QUOTE | "Our goal is keeping gaming a safe space for everyone to enjoy." - Andrew Rasmussen, co-founder of…
QUOTE | "All that [Xbox vs. PS4] feeding frenzy last year was interesting, but I think, and I hope, that it has run…
QUOTE | "Everyone loves their baby, right? And you often have to tell them it's kind of an ugly baby." - Execution…
QUOTE | "There are a lot of ways you can mess up VR really easily." - nDreams' Patrick O'Luanaigh, talking about his…
QUOTE | "The PC is decimating console, just through price. Free-to-play has killed a hundred AAA studios." - Veteran…
QUOTE | "You could market research any product to death if you're not careful." - DICE GM Karl Magnus Troedsson,…
QUOTE | "It will start to tail off because the people who play the games will recognize when they're about to be…
QUOTE | "The majority of what the other developers exhibited was bloody shooter software...I believe this is a…
QUOTE | "I was so fed up of people telling us we should do free-to-fucking-play, in-app-fucking purchases, whatever…
QUOTE | "I think we are right at that tipping point where we have a lot of great content that is about to be…
QUOTE | "Inclusivity always seems to end up on the cutting board." - A female engineer at a top studio (who prefers…
QUOTE | "PlayStation 4 was such a great redemption... making that platform such a success quite frankly contributed…
QUOTE | "If you want to sell a game for $60, to the player it has to feel like $200...In 2014, $60 for a game is a…