Proof that you can't keep a moderately okay multiplayer online game down, GamersFirst launches the open beta…
When it stopped taking applications last night, the new owner of APB, the cops-and-robbers MMO, said it had more…
Beta-testing invitations for APB: Reloaded, the free-to-play reboot of the cops-and-robbers MMO, have gone out,…
In September, Realtime Worlds' cops and robbers MMO APB: All Points Bulletin closed its doors. In early 2011,…
"Nine months of hard work," could salvage All Points Bulletin, the failed cops-and-robbers MMO, but don't expect…
Given the fact the game shut down after only three months, there weren't many subscribers to MMO title APB. If you…
Taking advantage of the closure of Realtime Worlds' All-Points Bulletin, Hi-Rez Studios is giving APB refugees 30…
MMO title All Points Bulletin failed, and took its developer with it. So why on Earth would a company as successful…
The cops and robbers game from troubled Scottish developer Realtime Worlds might set the record for the…
Realtime Worlds, the U.K. developer of cops-and-robbers title APB, has entered administration, which is somewhat…
Scottish developer Realtime Worlds recently entered administration, and it's rolling out play and pay stats for the…
Electronic Arts provided distribution support for APB, whose bankrupt studio is being sold off; today a senior EA…
After cutting 60 jobs last week, U.K.-based studio Realtime Worlds, the maker of the cops-and-robbers MMO APB,…
The developer of Crackdown and APB, Realtime Worlds, was recently hit with layoffs. Members of the APB team were…
How did developer Realtime Worlds go from creating violent free-roaming shooters like APB and Crackdown to working…
"What would it look like if Nintendo built Google Earth?" That's the question used to describe Crackdown and APB…
Realtime Worlds' endeavor to create a human avatar modeled on APB has reached its fifth and final stage: the…
In the name of marketing, Human Avatar Josh gets an APB-themed haircut. Next stop, septum ring.
Cops and robbers MMO APB is world filled with grungy-looking criminals covered with tattoos and riddled with…