When the Zune Store opens up on the 360 later this year, you'll need a 802.11n network in your house if you want to…
The Zune HD is out today. Doesn't yet have much to do with the 360, aside from these Zunes engraved with logos and…
This alleged promo video for Microsoft's new music player, the Zune HD, shows that while Microsoft aren't exactly…
Microsoft plans to open their first retail stores this fall in California and Arizona shopping malls, the Seattle…
While there's always been a lot of chatter surrounding the possibility of Microsoft entering the handheld gaming…
Those Microsoft retail stores we've seen and been told about are going to stop popping up near Apple stores this…
Starting this fall, movies and television shows from Zune Video will be playable on the Xbox 360 in 1080p HD.
It's that time of year again! Join us as we bring you play-by-play coverage of Microsoft's 2009 E3 press…
Don't forget to check out Kotaku bright and early Monday morning for our live coverage of Microsoft's big…
Speaking with The Guardian, Microsoft's Chris Stevenson has announced that the Zune Marketplace - and everything…
Team Xbox is reporting that Microsoft is in the final design stages of a new digital entertainment handheld, one…
J Allard has, tragically, been in hiding for some time now. And still is! But his name, at least, has come out of…
Cinemash, a new video series that will feature film and TV actors re-enacting their dream parts, is headed to the…
Despite deep cuts into Microsoft's gaming division, the company says today they remain dedicated to Windows as a…
Playstation, Oakley and Totino's pizza rolls may still be sponsors at the Winter X Games in Aspen, but several…
Last we heard about Zune-360 integration was when Microsoft told Gizmodo that it was going to take "a step up", and…
You know Dude Huge likes the Lancers. The blood, the gravelly voices, the destroyed beauty. But do you know what he…
Our gentlemen callers at Gizmodo got to spend some time with the new Gears of War Zune the other day. While fondling…
No joke. It's a Gears of War 2 Zune. And hey, why not, it sure worked wonders for Halo 3's marketing campaign…
Battlefield: Bad Company is getting four free multiplayer maps in the next month. That comes from Major Nelson’s…