Many of us would consider a long console lifespan to be a good thing, but Yves Guillemot, the CEO at Ubisoft, says…
According to the French publisher's CEO, not only is Nintendo's Wii successor—currently known as Project Cafe—a…
In an interview with MCVUK, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot lamented the lack of new development platforms, going so far…
During Ubisoft's third quarter financial results investor phone call today, company president Yves Guillemot…
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot assured me today that work continues and has never stopped on the highly anticipated…
Answering a question about downloadable content during their fiscal year 2009-10 fiscal earnings call, Ubisoft…
Earlier today, publisher Ubisoft warned that it wasn't going to have quite the year it was expecting, in part due to …
Ubisoft chairman Yves Guillemot told a group of investors and industry executives in New York today that the…
A lot of hopes are riding on the release of the Prince of Persia movie among gamers.
The ESA Foundation's annual Nite to Unite for Kids charity event takes place next month, with Ubisoft chairman and…
Fans of Assassin's Creed like to decode riddles, right? Then they'll enjoy the cagey way the CEO of Assassin's Creed…
If Yves Guillemot, chairman and CEO of publisher Ubisoft, is correct, the next generation of video game consoles…
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot predicted today not just a coming generation of consoles and a gaming revolution in…
During Ubisoft's financial earnings call today, CEO Yves Guillemot highlighted the importance of fitness games,…
Never mind that Sony is touting a ten year PS3 life cycle, Microsoft says it doesn't see a new Xbox anytime soon and…
So now that Ubisoft has purchased World in Conflict development studio Massive Entertainment from Activision, what…
Back when Wii Motion Plus was announced at E3, many developers seemed surprised. Nintendo likes to keep things close…
Ubisoft just a game maker? Hilarious! The company's CEO Yves Guillemot wants to transform Ubisoft into a multimedia…
Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot, speaking with Next-Gen, thinks he knows why the first Beyond Good & Evil didn't do too…
Strong performance of the Rainbow Six, Rayman, The Settlers and Ghost Recon franchises drove Ubisoft to a…