The next Rainbow Six game is no longer named Quarantine, Ubisoft announced today. Instead, the upcoming co-op…
Charlie Guillemot, co-head of Ubisoft mobile studio Owlient, is stepping down based on a new report from Axios. Back…
Watch Dogs started life as a Driver game, according to a new report from VG 24/7. But through development it grew…
Skull & Bones is sailing into rough waters once again. In an earnings report today, Ubisoft revealed that the game…
The Division 2 was released on March 12, 2019, making it just over two years old this week. In that time a lot has…
Earlier today, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot updated his employees about a recent company-wide survey regarding the…
Rayman creator, Beyond Good and Evil 2 director, and longtime Ubisoft veteran Michel Ancel retired from the video…
Ahead of Ubisoft’s second summer showcase later today, the global video game publisher released a short video in…
At the start of the summer, as the world roiled from multiple crises, something unusual and essential happened in…
In a call with investors today, a financial analyst asked Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot about what he knew about the…
Serge Hascoët has resigned as Ubisoft’s chief creative officer after weeks of damning accounts of sexual misconduct…
Ubisoft Editorial VP Maxime Béland has resigned and fellow Editorial VP Tommy François has been placed on disciplinary leave, the company’s CEO Yves Guillemot announced in a company email today while both are investigated for misconduct. It also stated that an employee from Ubisoft Toronto had been terminated.
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot announced today in an email to employees that the game publisher will be revising the…
In a world where video game publishers frequently mistreat their workers, where companies often seem more concerned…
Ubisoft is seeking Canadian investors in an attempt to thwart the looming threat of a hostile takeover from Vivendi,…
Ubisoft is committed to making a new Assassin's Creed game every year and is determined not to see the series…
Ubisoft won't release more games exclusive to the Wii U until Nintendo sells more Wii U systems, the president of…
Those of us who got Wii U systems last November were supposed to reach an oasis today in our crawl through the…
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot likes the PlayStation 4. Otherwise he wouldn't have showed up at Sony's big PlayStation 4…