World of Warcraft’s second hero class goes live this week, and there’s a lot more to Illidan Stormrage’s elite Demon…
Located conveniently next to the Bank of Dalaran in World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion, Xur’ios stands ready to…
As Kotaku’s resident non-Final Fantasy MMO player, I pretty much have to play through World of Warcraft’s upcoming…
Players who pre-purchase World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion gain access to the new Demon Hunter class on August 9, well in advance of the August 30 launch. Demon Hunters can only be elves though, so it hardly matters.
As World of Warcraft players prepare for the launch of the game’s sixth expansion, Legion, I’m working my way…
Nice meme, Blizzard. This is the newly updated World of Warcraft site’s server error page (via Musely). It might look familiar if you’ve literally ever used the Internet before.
VR painting in 3D—like this image of WoW’s Illidan Stormrage—is black magic, and no amount of demos or explanations will convince me otherwise.
Not everyone is happy with some of the changes made to World of Warcraft in preparation for the upcoming Legion…
Tomorrow Blizzard applies most of the major mechanical changes of Legion to World of Warcraft, giving players six…
Launching with the Legion expansion pre-update later this month, World of Warcraft’s new silence penalty is designed…
The World of Warcraft community is abuzz over an infectious, gold-stealing scam affecting players across realms.
A lot of people have played World of Warcraft over the years, but not many have kept a diary of their entire…
Hardcore raiding schedules in World of Warcraft can turn an otherwise unproductive “leisure” activity into a…
After Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones, I think it is safe to say that Jon Snow got the play of the game, eh? (Spo…
Years of hollow hype and months of flashy trailers aimed at getting non-World of Warcraft players into theater seats…
Will World of Warcraft legacy servers ever happen? Are content updates going to drop more frequently? And when are…
Blizzard is making a series of World of Warcraft: Legion animated shorts called Harbingers. Website Blizzard Watch reports that they center around Illidan Stormrage. Footage isn’t currently online, but PCGamesN, however, was told the clips will be available on YouTube in the near future.
In April, Blizzard finally dropped the hammer on one of the biggest fan-run World of Wacraft legacy (that is,…
She’s not even in the movie, but that didn’t stop noted Warcraft nerd and cosplay afficiando Jamie Lee Curtis from…
Not to be confused with the Hollywood Warcraft film, this is My WoW. As website The Nanfang points out, its Chinese…