Against my better instincts, I’m crossing my fingers for the Warcraft movie. It’s being directed by the guy behind Mo…
Quite literally, since this is King Llane as he appears in the WarCraft movie.
World of Warcraft is not just massively multiplayer; it’s massively multi-faceted. There are all sorts of different…
Quel’Thalas was added in 2007, but never got the facelift that other, older zones received in 2010. And while there…
Super-genius, gamer and lover of all things geeky, Cisco “Vibe” Ramon is our best friend in the Arrowverse. He’s the…
Duskwood, a World of Warcraft zone almost all Alliance players visit while leveling, got the Unreal Engine treatment…
This morning, Blizzard’s executives finally spoke out about their decision to shut down the World of Warcraft fan…
The biggest change in World of Warcraft: Legion? No, it’s not the redesigned PvP system. There’ll be a new gold cap, increased from 999,999 gold to 9,999,999. Read more
World of Warcraft: Legion comes out on August 30, which means we won’t see a new update in the coming months. But…
The new World of Warcraft expansion, Legion, will be out on August 30, Blizzard just announced. More info over on their website.
Players couldn’t log into games like World of Warcraft and Diablo III for several hours last night thanks to a…
Before this weekend, I hadn’t played World of Warcraft since a Saturday afternoon in late 2005. That was the only…
On Sunday night, thousands of World of Warcraft players gathered to say goodbye to Nostalrius, the fan-run server…
A new, revamped Challenge Mode is coming to dungeons in World of Warcraft: Legion, with multiple difficulty levels…
Blizzard’s lawyers in both the US and France have shut down a group of fans running a server for classic, “vanilla” W…
Blizzcon 2016 is taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center in California on November 4 and 5. The $199 tickets will be sold in two batches on April 20 and 23. If you get one, you’re made of magic.
It took more than 130 hours of play time, but Twitch streamer Rudeism finally hit level 100 in World of Warcraft using only a dance pad. His final 12 hour session took him from level 95 to 100, after which he sat down and used mouse and keyboard like a normal person.
A service called “HeirBnB,” Twitch Plays Raid Finder, underwater Ashran (hell no!), Arena matches on Vine... Well,…
Apparently, a card game session went wrong in the Lion’s Pride Inn’s basement and someone bled all over the place.…