Listen up, fools! ZootFly and Mr. T have formed a licensing A-Team, announcing that the developer will create a…
For such a big game, you'd have thought Spore would release on every platform under the sun. But it didn't. Just PC,…
Will Wright, the man who launched a million sims, is broadening his horizons.
Will Wright may be leaving Maxis and Electronic Arts, but that doesn't mean he's leaving gaming. In fact some of…
Maybe the website for Will Wright's entertainment think tank is just a website. But given that it has three games…
The designer behind The Sims and Spore has left Electronic Arts, the publisher announced today, starting a new…
A small group of journalists and developers were invited to sit in an informal lunch discussion with some of the…
Rolling Stone magazine have taken a little side-trip away from rock n' roll, and done a more Time magazine-like list…
EA has officially announced several new titles, two for the DS and one for the Wii, and an expansion to the Spore…
The BBC lined up a panel of gaming dignitaries to mull over the best of 2008 and expectations for 2009, they tapped…
The latest issue of the Escapist deals with god games, most of which are quite grand in scale. John Carr, however,…
An article in Science magazine discussing why Spore flunks various kinds of science after close scrutiny by a…
SCE President Kaz Hirai recently addressed the importance of games on the PS3. This must have been great news to Spor…
Will Wright attended the Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards ceremony at the Hearst Tower in New York City last…
Back in February 1Up took a broad look at who the gaming industry, on the whole, was giving to in U.S. political…
After just two weeks and change on the market, EA and Maxis' Spore has sold through over a million copies. The…
Despite receiving generally favorable reviews from game critics everywhere, the Amazon shopping populace didn't take…
In the beginning Will Wright created the idea, but not the name. Now the game was formless and empty, darkness was…
Well, maybe we won't have to change the filters on our office Bullshit-o-meter after all. As we kinda-sorta-maybe…