The video above was shot by GameTrailers during Ubisoft's E3 demonstration of Rabbids Go Home back in June. The main…
Can the Wii remote save lives? The American Heart Association is betting on it, pledging $50,000 to fund a student…
These guys used a control system written in Python to replace the arm's regular input (a joystick) with the Wii…
Don't like the Wii's Classic Controller? Not thrilled with the GameCube controller? Or the Club Nintendo SNES…
Nintendo are no longer the only company in town with a Wii Remote on the market. You can get peripherals from…
Microsoft is working on the human-body-controlled Project Natal. Nintendo has the Wii Remote. Sony, well, showed a…
The Nintendo Wii uses a controller dubbed "the Wii Remote". Microsoft's Project Natal uses a controller called "the…
Nintendo is releasing add-on for the Wii Remote called Wii MotionPlus. It brings much needed accuracy to the…
Like a zombie you can't quite get in the head, rumours of a Wii Remote-type device for the PS2 just won't die off.…
The mysteries of the afterlife are now clear to Michigan-based miniature Sheltie Ozzy, a five-month old puppy that…
In response to my failed attempt at knitting during the Kotaku Holiday Podcast, reader Austinpoet offered a link to…
In May, we told you about Apple's patent for a Wii Remote-like object. Now, it's November, and we're telling you agai…
Back in the beginning of July I wrote up the announcement of GoLive2's Wii remote-aping PC peripheral Stix, a…
Now that the fungineers at Nintendo have increased the smile efficiency of the Wii Remote via a brand new accessory,…
And no, not because it raises the prospect of a Wii port of Mark Ecko's Getting up. It's because, when I look at…