We've got the most titles in a single week since Black Friday, which makes me wonder: We just had the first day of…
Two AAA drops this week, and both are on portables - Resistance: Retribution and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars,…
It's the battle of the biceps this week, as Madworld's Jack takes on Resident Evil 5's Chris Redfield for ultimate…
Halo Wars deploys this week. Also, MLB: The Show and the MLB 2K updates roll out. The roster: five DS, PS2, PS3, and…
This week is Killzone 2's world, everyone else is just temporarily occupying it. The highly anticipated and…
North America readies for the first true Street Fighter sequel in nearly a decade. Gaming's definitive fighter hits…
F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin is your headliner this week. Other notables include House of the Dead: Overkill and Deadly…
Welp. Ain't much releasin' this week. Looks like Burnout Paradise arrives for the PC, and if you want an…
Afro Samurai and Front Office Manager are your big multiplatform drops this week. The lineup: Six titles for DS,…
Skate 2 is your leader for the coming week, if you're into ollies, fakies, ollie fakies, and wearing pants half off…
Mirror's Edge for the PC arrives this week, and one wonders if the vision behind its gameplay will be more easily…
The first multiplatform drop of 2009 goes out Tuesday, but man, I'd walk around it like it was a swamp. Hotel for…
No new releases to discuss — go play the ones you got for Christmas! See you next week.
This week's list of new releases is so pitiful it's not worth a discussion on its own. So this week, let's look at…
Another thin week; the retailers have already made their case for your holiday dollars with earlier titles. Rock…
Last week was probably the last hurrah for major drops in North America for the year. Looking at 2008 in video games,…
We have only a few noteworthy drops this week, then the usual never-heard-of-it haul squatting mostly on the Wii and…
Thanksgiving in the United States keeps this a somewhat quiet span, although we'll see Chrono Trigger for the DS as…
Tuesday. You know, every day of the week has its own profile and purpose, it seems. Mondays are for football,…
Looking ahead to this week's drops — PS3-only Resistance 2 makes you proud to be an American on Election Day. Gears…