Should I be scared that Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark was announced a little over four months ago and is…
Another year, another slow-ish post-E3 release week. At least I get to be a Battle Princess, and that's all that…
Enemy Front, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Blood of the Werewolf and AiRace Xeno. These are the games brave or stupid…
Murdered: Soul Suspect comes out this week. It should have absolutely no problem at all living up to its hype.
Nothing really important is coming out this week. You should all just go outside and play. Maybe build a go-kart, or…
On one hand we have the old-school first-person shooting of Wolfenstein: The New Order. On the other, the small…
Between tomorrow's launch of the absolutely charming The Last Tinker: City of Colors and several eagerly-awaited…
It's the perfect week to curl up in an air conditioned room with a pair of remastered visual novels for your…
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 might be the most high-profile game dropping this week, but that doesn't me the next seven…
Game releases have slowed to a trickle here at the end of April, but it's not about quantity. With Dark Souls II…
You can have your Trials Fusion and your Final Fantasy XIV for the PlayStation 4. This week I'm making babies in Conc…
This week's biggest release is a game we don't have a single screenshot or snippet of gameplay for. That's not…
Which is more exciting, the launch of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the world of The…
It's a great week for fans of Japanese games and expansions for North American blockbuster hits. More Diablo III.…
Every week video game publishers release video games into the retail and digital marketplace. What makes this week…
This is a new week. There are new video games coming out this week. These are those video games.
This week we're going down to South Park to have ourselves a time. Other releases include the next episode of The…
Thief arrives on the PC and both PlayStations and Xboxes this week, along with Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare on…
Rayman Legends makes its way to Xbox One and PS4 this week, followed by Strider's long-awaited return to the…
The week's big new packaged release is Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, with a couple of bundles and…