Enemy Front, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Blood of the Werewolf and AiRace Xeno. These are the games brave or stupid enough to think the week of E3 2014 is a good time to draw attention to themselves.
Even the "Coming Soon" area of Steam, normally packed with potential indie gems, has largely avoided this coming week.
My suggestion? I'm not listing it, as it's a re-release, but Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 is getting released as a PSN classic this week. Do that.
Tuesday, June 10
- Enemy Front (PS3, Xbox 360)
- How To Train Your Dragon 2 (Wii, Wii U, 3DS, Xbox 360, PS3)
Wednesday, June 11
- Blood of the Werewolf (Xbox 360 - XBLA)
Thursday, June 12
- AiRace Xeno (3DS eShop)
Friday, June 13
- Enemy Front (PC)
Coming Soon:
Tuesday, June 17: Tropico 5 (PC Physical), EA Sports UFC (Xbox One, PS4), Battle Princess of Arcadias (PS3 - PSN) Thursday, June 19: Pushmo World (Wii U eShop) Friday, June 20: Farming Simulator 2014 (3DS, Vita)