We now return to our regularly scheduled The Week in Games, now that we have enough titles to properly justify…
We're about to climb out of the customary two-month hibernation video games enter every December. An updated Tomb…
Not much cooking this week in terms of new releases, outside of Olli Olli on Tuesday for PS Vita. One more week of…
We're still in hibernation for major new releases, so our recap will again be more forward looking than focused on…
Video gaming new releases are still deep in hibernation but there are a couple of notable titles coming this week.…
By God, we are going to wring every last new game out of this year if it's the last thing we do. And sure enough…
Retail console releases may be done for this year but there still are marquee names waiting for their closeup as we…
The year still has a few delights in store for us, beginning tomorrow with Peggle 2 on Xbox One. Doki-Doki Universe…
We're settling in for a long winter's nap after Friday's release of the PlayStation's signature driving sim Gran…
It is axiomatic that just about nothing in video games happens—in the West, anyway—the week the United States…
It's the Xbox One's turn to shine this week, arriving on Friday along with 22 games, among them exclusives like Ryse,…
The PlayStation 4 arrives this week, bringing with it a raft of games, some of which already have released on…
Call of Duty: Ghosts is a longstanding first-Tuesday-in-November tradition, scaring off nearly every other big…
Battlefield 4 draws first blood in EA's annual shooter stare-down with Call of Duty. It didn't pick a great time to…
Batman: Arkham Origins launches globally on one day—Friday. There must be a ton of spoilers in it that Warner Bros.…
Skylanders Swap Force, out today on basically everything, is the week's heavyweight release. We're getting close to…
This week's big news is Beyond: Two Souls, the PS3 exclusive from Quantic Dream, on Tuesday, and Pokémon X and Pokém…
The week's big console launches are NBA 2K14, also arriving for PC, on Tuesday followed by the physical HD release…
EA Sports' FIFA series and Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer renew their rivalry with their latest releases arriving on…
EA Sports' 20th revival of the NHL franchise hits shelves on Tuesday. The HD remake of Ducktales arrives on Xbox 360…