On one hand we have the old-school first-person shooting of Wolfenstein: The New Order. On the other, the small studio finesse and beauty of Supergiant Games' sci-fi action role-playing game, Transistor. Which are you planning to play?
It's a tough call here. With limited time and overwhelming desire branching off in so many directions, I'll probably just sit in my office chair and cry for a week. Oh wait, I have to play Wolfenstein for reasons. I guess that's first. I also plan on taking a stab at Drakengard 3, while Mugen Souls Z will go on my shelf of NIS America releases I will never get a chance to play, dammit.
Check out the list while I try to think of clever Watch Dogs puns for next week.
Tuesday, May 20
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC)
- Drakengard 3 (PS3)
- Mugen Souls Z (PS3)
- Transistor (PC, PS4)
- R-Type Dimensions (PS3)
- Sparkle 2 (Vita, PS4 —Cross-Buy)
- Z-Run (Vita)
Thursday, May 22
- Swords & Soldiers HD (Wii U eShop)
Friday, May 23
- Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition (PC)
- Tropico 5 (PC)
Coming Soon:
Tuesday, May 27: Watch Dogs (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One), Mind Zero (Vita), Sly Cooper Collection (Vita), Ace Combat Infinity (PS3), Monster Monpiece (Vita) Friday, May 30: Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)