Later today, Double Fine's Tim Schafer, the man behind Brutal Legend, joins us on Kotaku Talk Radio to chat about…
Movies have deleted scenes, everyone knows that. But it's rare we see deleted game scenes, because they're normally…
Half the fun of super-long video game lists is scrolling through to see if your favorite/most-hated games are on…
In an open letter on the Double Fine community site Brutal Legend developer and Double Fine head honcho Tim Schafer…
Brutal Legend designer Tim Schafer appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night.
Heavy metal adventure Brutal Legend will make a repeat appearance on NBC's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, as Double…
These days, Tim Schafer is known as the man behind Grim Fandango, Psychonauts and Brutal Legend. But everybody has…
Brutal Legend designer and Double Fine head honcho Tim Schafer will be appearing on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon in…
Don't read this post if you don't want the Brutal Legend demo's cut-scene spoiled and don't want to read about a…
When future generations of gamers look back on this period of growth and advancement in our medium, will they be…
EA has just announced that a demo for Double Fine's Brutal Legend will hit the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in…
The last thing I expected from a Brütal Legend multiplayer mode was a real time strategy game. The first thing I…
Last week we ran a feature showing off the desks and play places of some of gaming's greatest developers and…
It was just 15 years ago that designer Tim Schafer had to tell a reporter how one of his games differed from the…
Reading this interview with Tim Schafer, I'm taken back to the first R-rated movie I saw with permission. Dad took…
As seen at the Brutal Legend & Vice Metal Meltdown show.
In possibly the most appropriate accidental PR move of the year, the corner of the couch I got up from after playing…
Packed from beginning to end with spoilers, I'd suggest giving it a pass if you want your Legend experience to be…
Brutal Legend is looking awesome, but as of yet, it's only confirmed to be appearing on Xbox 360 and PS3. What about…