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Tim Schafer Finally Gets His Date With Fallon

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Brutal Legend designer and Double Fine head honcho Tim Schafer will be appearing on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon in early October, the show's co-producer tells Kotaku.

Schafer will be the second guest on the Oct. 2 show, appearing sans Jack Black, just like was asked, Gavin Purcell says.

Purcell says he will be talking about the game and "other stuff" and that the show will get to show off to the rest of the non-gamer world just how awesome Schafer is.


In July, shortly after interviewing Fallon, Kotaku posted a short list of video gaming guests and ideas we wanted to see take center stage on the show. At the number one spot was Schafer, who we pointed out didn't really need Jack Black at his side to shine.


Purcell later told Kotaku that the show was already working on a few of the ideas we had listed.

One word of warning Fallon: Don't run late for Schafer's appearance, he may end up crying in the rain.