The weekend is for it being my birthday! All the more reason to play video games.
The weekend is for having just installed a new graphics card and being pretty pumped to cancel all your plans and…
There was a period of time when every December I’d start up another playthrough of Mega Man Legends. It’s not a…
The weekend is for telling a friend you’d go with her to IKEA, which means sitting on all the furniture and…
The weekend is for going to a work holiday party with a mysterious theme and a dress code you can’t meet because all…
The weekend is for snow, one of the greatest things that exists. Also, video games.
While playing through a recently-released role-playing game for the Nintendo Switch, I got to thinking. Wouldn’t it…
The weekend is for regretting the fact that you made oatmeal raisin cookies the other night and instead making the…
Black Friday and its numerous extensions (Cyber Monday, Just Buy Our Damn Stuff Thursday) are a magical time in…
The weekend is for figuring out if you’re going to one of the Thanksgiving things you were invited to so you should…
The weekend is for really meaning to make your house look nice before your sister comes to visit but knowing you…
The weekend is for trying to remember your GeForce password because you forgot your screenshot keybinding and the…
The weekend is for spending time with the cat you’re watching, i.e., turning down social obligations to pet a cat.…
One of the most prolific game series in existence despite being licensed, Dragon Ball has seen its fair share of the…
The weekend is for seriously not being sick anymore, seriously. Also, video games.
The weekend is for figuring out what to do with the two pounds of squash you have in the freezer. Also, video games.
The weekend is for picking up that clean laundry on the floor because you can’t step over it forever, or at least…
The weekend is for making a curry because Kotaku features editor Chris Kohler won’t stop posting pictures of the…
The weekend is for trying to parcel out a book you’re really enjoying so you don’t finish it too soon and have…
The weekend is for watching all of Bojack Horseman with your friend and probably not crying. Or only crying a…