Valve has apologised for leaking a Street Fighter trailer last week, saying “there was a mix-up in the publishing process” that meant the clip went live before Capcom could officially announce the news. “It’s a regrettable and unintentional situation, and we have already implemented measures to prevent this error from

Masato “Bonchan” Takahashi has been crowned Street Fighter V champion at Evo 2019. It’s been a long road for Bonchan since placing second in Ultra Street Fighter IV at Evo 2014, fraught with character crises and surprisingly early eliminations, but now he can finally add an Evo championship to his resume.

Hajime “Tokido” Taniguchi has been eliminated from Street Fighter V competition at Evo 2019, ending his weekend at 49th place. A perennial favorite, Tokido won the event in 2017 and placed second in 2018.

Ryota “Kazunoko” Inoue took first place in four separate games while visiting CouchWarriors CrossUp in Australia
