Anthropomorphic video game consoles become school girls and fight zombies? …Alright, you talked me into it. Let’s…
Murder is a cyberpunk adventure with a great look and an interesting concept. Watch me play it right now.
Before we even start talking, General Mittenz asks me if we can stand for the duration of the interview. “For me,…
There’s two things I spend a lot of time writing about: JRPGs and anime. Welp, Ray Gigant’s a game big on both. So…
Hey, everyone remember that rail-shooter with the orgasm-inducing gun? Well, it has a sequel. Let’s play it.
The opening moments of Skobbejak Games’ first-person horror game Vapour are alot like being seated next to a chatty…
It’s almost the Fourth of July, so why not?
Want to know my dirty little secret? I’ve never played a Fire Emblem game. So let’s fix that by playing some of the…
Ark: Survival Evolved looked almost too good to be true when I reported on it, but is the hyper-ambitious dinosaur…
A couple weeks ago I reported on Umbra, a game that wants to be the unholy demon baby of Skyrim and Diablo. Does it…
The second arc of Sword Art Online wasn’t exactly my favorite, but that doesn’t mean I’d pass up the chance to strap…
Back in the day, the original Carmageddon garnered quite a bit of controversy for its gory brand of pedestrian…
Malebolgia is best described as Dark Souls, except gorgeously cel-shaded and spooky as hell. I hope it’s as good as…
On a very special Friday installment of The Steam Stream, I’m playing Solarix, a new sci-fi horror game with…
Wanna see grotesque genetic horrors get sliced into fun-sized bits, perfect for a light sack lunch or a sludgy gore…
This week, the Steam Stream checks out Primal Carnage: Extinction, the latest attempt at making a multiplayer…
After an eternity in beta, Turbine's DC Comics-based MOBA has officially launched, complete with its own Steam…
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae is out today, and to celebrate, we're throwing it up on a livestream and seeing…
I really enjoyed DMC upon its first release, dark-haired emo Dante and all. Released today, the Definitive…