Murder is a cyberpunk adventure with a great look and an interesting concept. Watch me play it right now.
After a few months of hiatus (I moved, I didn’t have reliable Internet for a while, it was A Whole Thing), The Steam Stream is back! Today I’m gonna play Murder—probably all the way through, because I’ve heard it’s pretty short—and a bit of Kingdom, a sidescrolling RTS-ish game about being a king or queen and doing kingly or queenly things. I might also pop into Rebel Galaxy, because—as you might have read—that game is rad.
Watch below, and feel free to click over to Twitch and join the chat (unless you’re a backseat interior designer with Opinions about my new apartment). Update: the stream’s over, but you can watch a recording of the whole thing here.
Watch live video from NathanGrayson on
Oh, and cool news: the Steam Stream is gonna happen a little more often from now on, because I play games basically all the time, so why not stream them, you know? I’m also hoping to do some more focused programming, with semi-regular shows focused on mods, revisiting longtime Early Access games, and stuff like that. If you have a suggestion for something Steam-related you’d like to see a show about, by all means, let me know.
The Steam Stream is a regular showcase of recently released Steam games. The goal? To help you sift through the ceaseless avalanche that is Steam’s “new releases” section in a quick, easily digestible fashion. If you hate the unbridled havoc of moving pictures and prefer slow, easy-going words, fear not: each of these games will also get brief write-ups that will explain why you should (or shouldn’t) care about them.
To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @vahn16.