The dev studios working on EA's upcoming snowboarding reboot are using satellite data to recreate some of the…
So, I loved the original SSX games. Winter sports never held much appeal to me in real life, but the reckless…
The tricks and uber-moves you pull off on EA's SSX games use reality only as a jumping-off point, quickly…
Electronic Arts has lost its bid to win the domain "" from a holdings firm that bought it up in October.…
It doesn't involve a realistic roster or league licensing, so it's sometimes hard to remember that SSX is an EA…
We may be closing out the hype cycle for 2011, but that means 2012's is already underway. SSX is still looking hawt…
Some players got sick of hearing "It's Tricky" Run-DMC's classic rap song every time you powered up and busted…
Each time I see SSX, I'm a bit more impressed with the wide variety of challenges and map types that'll be in the…
SSX's latest slap-full-of-ski-porn trailer also includes a relevant piece of information: a release date. Feb. 14…
I like SSX games so much that I know that the person who created the screenshot atop this story named it wrong.…
If you were worried that the new SSX isn't totally wacko enough, as far as snowboarding video games go, maybe…
If you thought Elise, Mac, and Kaori were hot stuff on the slopes, wait'll you get a load of their moves on the…
I was as worried as any SSX fan when Electronic Arts unveiled the darker, grittier SSX: Deadly…
EA has released six sharp new screenshots from their upcoming SSX, featuring the return of famous SSX-ers Mac,…
The new SSX will be a heavily networked game, so you'll never feel lonely snowboarding. A presentation of the new…
First came Elise, then Mac, and now a third original SSX character joins the cast of the 2012 refresh. Tokyo fun…
Having appeared in every other SSX game released to-date, the franchises' generic male character, Mac, is…
We've all seen the screenshots of the sleeker, more realistic look EA is giving blonde bombshell Elise Riggs in…
While Elise, Moby, and Eddie do a fine job of representing the player on screen in EA's snowboarding franchise,…
The hottest thing about the new look for SSX snowboarding queen Elise Riggs' redesign is the fact that she actually…