In honor of the high-holy day for Star Wars fans across the globe, commenter Deakor gives us his top five gaming…
Perhaps riffing on a Speak Up on Kotaku topic from last week, commenter Gusi A. Rincon wants to know which franchise…
It's game day in Speak Up on Kotaku! Commenter David Green challenges us to distill our proudest gaming moments into…
We all (probably) play a ton of video games and watch a ton of anime. Sometimes we get invested in the stories and…
Disappointed in Final Fantasy XIV? Saddened by Final Fantasy XIII? Don't worry, commenter Zasalamel says Final…
In today's moving edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Aikage teases us all with stop motion porn. Oh, and he…
Today's Speak Up on Kotaku wonders about those characters that are just so darned attractive that they appeal even…
Today's media-minded edition of Speak Up on Kotaku wonders why the word "cinematic" gets used pejoratively when it…
In today's morbid edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Paradox Me wonders why people call for the death of…
What, no Snacktaku review in this week's Kotaku Off-Kilter? Let's make it up with a Speak Up from commenter Cheese…
In this super-sized edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter DocSeuss tells us the difference between being immersed…
In today's Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Bob is searching for a name to call himself in gaming circles. How did you…
Sometimes we try to give our Speak Up on Kotaku articles headlines that clarify the content. Sometimes, as is the…
Commenter Roth is wondering if he's the kind of guy that would enjoy playing the Uncharted series, but he doesn't…
In today's bile-fueled edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Gusi A. Rincon gives 10, count em, 10 reasons why he…
In today's highly-collectible episode of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Gemini-Phoenix wonders what value this…
In today's special cartridge-based edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Paradox Me realizes that he is a…
Why allow players to give their multiplayer characters custom names if the game never actually displays them? That's…
Sure, most of the time we do beat them, but sometimes we're so busy loving them we never get around to it. Games, we…
Earlier this week we posted a story article regarding the hardships of being a QA tester in the video game industry.…