It's time for a video Speak-Up on Kotaku! Commenter FuzzleMail takes issue with this AlienWare commercial for…
In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Crushinator ponders the correct length for the single-player story in the…
In today's 3D edition of the Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter JoetheArachnid figures we need a post where new 3DS…
In this Friday edition of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter YamiKarasu wonders if the standard $50 - $60 price for…
Brazilian commenter KaiserSpiegel tells the story of the sad decline of his local street market following an…
In today's episode of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Kadin is curious to know which video game hardware and software…
Commenter MtlAngelus doesn't like checkpoints in video games, preferring a system that allows players to save…
Kotaku commenter Jezuz feels that games set in outer space have become too cold and sterile. He shares his idea on…
Today in a very special episode of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenterQuiddity looks back on the achievements he would…
Is commenter Cursed Frogurt alone when he says he enjoys multiplayer betas for games like Halo: Reach and Gears of…
In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku commenter CuttySark wonders why portraying women and men video games as physically or…
Today in Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Luke874 wonders if we aren't putting too much emphasis on online multiplayer…
It's more than just blue lasers versus red lasers in our Monday installment of Speak-Up on Kotaku, when commenter Ki…
In today's exciting episode of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Cupids_Hitman waits and waits for prices on…
Remember back when broken console games stayed broken? Commenter Don't forget to bring a towel! does, pining for…
In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Pixiebutt salutes Sega for making its classic console titles available on…
Commenter Crusader1025 ponders why some of the best games are created by development teams that barely qualify as…
Today on Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Komrade Kayce isn't ashamed to explore his deep and lasting love for…
Today in Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter WhoKnew? wants to know where all of the Call of Duty hate is coming from. Is…
In today's mostly complete episode of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Dodgerwd wonders if everyone is having the same…