Since the majority of video game players in the West are white, when they play a role-playing game, it's not hard to…
Parents, prepare to lose more arguments with your kids about late-night gaming. Teenagers, clip and save this post.
Unless you make your living from science, a table of elements is a pretty boring thing. But not when it includes…
Various scientific and medical studies performed over the past few years have shown video games to cause violent…
Sociologist and director of Human-Centered Computing at the National Science Foundation, William Sims Bainbridge…
Playing Tetris shortly after traumatic experiences helps accident victims and war casualties ward off traumatic…
Cloaking devices? Oh yeah, we can totally do that. Telekinesis? Suuure! In this video, Real Actual Scientist-mans…
Direct from the We Could Have Told You That department, a recent study determined that introducing young boys to…
Have you ever spent so much time playing a video game that you felt like a caged rat? That means it's working.…
The benefits of the Wii and exergaming to patients in hospitals and elder-care facilities has been discussed nearly…

You've seen what it looks like to control The Sims, but have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Sim?…
As of right now, you can use an Xbox 360 to play games, watch movies, listen to music and communicate with people.…
How good you are at video games could be related to the size of certain parts of your brain, researchers suggest.…
While the Wii Balance Board's usefulness as a fitness device are questionable, there's no doubts over its ability to…

Inspired by a three-year-old Kotaku article, Canadian blogger Rinry subjected eight NES carts to varying forms of…
Men may be the more stereotyped hardcore gaming gender, but a study of Everquest II players published in the Journal…
A doctor working with the British Olympic Association has advised athletes to avoid playing games before sport, as…
Reader Kyle, an entrant in the exhibit, sent us in these two videos of his creations. One, above, is a game of…
World of Warcraft has been compared to many things over the years. Everquest at first, then later, crack. But I…
A researcher down in Texas has found that, when people are assigned to play characters wearing the brooding black…