Doesn't look like Ubisoft learned their physics lesson. Matt M., who helped the Kotaku Bureau of Weights & Measures c…
With the real world lacking in loot, Marc Owens set forth on a project to make it appear more like an MMO, by…
The 2010 conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE) is hosting a StarCraft…
This Saturday, November 14, has been set aside by libraries across the US as "National Gaming Day". But don't think…
Anyone who does proper exercise could have pointed this out, but it's always nice to have it in writing; the…
In reality, this technical demonstration of muscle-computer interfaces, as shown at the ACM Symposium on User…
A St. Louis fifth-grader, with help from his father (a rheumatologist) and researchers from New York University, led…
The war on terrorism can be a real hassle, just ask anyone who has flown recently. Fortunately, science and the Wii…
A study involving Unreal Tournament players, given a cash incentive for winning, found that gamers' testosterone…
Digital Foundry's long-running blog on Eurogamer often throws up some interesting technical studies on games, but…
A study conducted by neuroscientist Richard Haier has determined that performing a "challenging visuospatial task"…
Sure, it's not as sexy a bullet-point as "new design" or "lower price", but the fact the PS3 Slim was reported as…
A study of young people who are also pathological gamers, sooprise, turns up a connection to video games, in a…
Hooray! Video gamers' average age is that of mine - 35. Less celebrated: gamers are more likely to be unhealthier,…

Using a concave mirror, Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display and Wii Remotes, University of Tokyo researchers have…
A study published online by the journal Pediatrics finds that exergaming -in this case DDR and Wii Sports' bowling…
We're not normally in need of celebrity endorsement of our entertainment medium of choice. But when it's Big Bird,…
About a year ago, you may recall, my brother and I attempted to derive the product of Pac-Man's metabolic functions.…
A research study at the University of Arkansas has indicated that excessive gaming interferes with sleep. Thank…
Video game studies are inherently flawed, according to a writer for a Canadian quarterly, because in most cases…