We've been reliant on 2006's teaser for L.A. Noire for all of our visual reference, sick to death of using the same…
It's one of those things that gamers get but non-gamers wouldn't. In the latest video hyping the features of the…
Team Bondi's long in the making L.A. Noire, the murder mystery set in "a perfectly re-created Los Angeles" of the…
An image wasn't all they had to say. Two weeks since the posting on the Internet of anonymous complaints about…
Capping off a week during which Rockstar Game's New York team was unfavorably described as an Eye of Sauron…
The International Game Developers Association has weighed in on accusations from the anonymous blogger(s) alleging…
The Xbox-exclusive episodic expansions to Grand Theft Auto IV received positive reviews (including from us), but one…
New screenshots of Red Dead Redemption rolled into town this week. We've got a gallery, to go with our latest preview
You're on a vast landscape. The biggest one ever made by Rockstar, bigger even than the terrain of Grand Theft Auto…
Give me a good ol' Western trailer any day — horses, guns and desperadoes. When I say that, though, I don't mean add…
Originally planned to hit this "winter" then moved to the first half of next year, Rockstar Games' third Max Payne…
There may be people who don't like Rockstar's games, but is there anyone who disputes their trailer-making skills?…
Whether played as an appendage to Grand Theft Auto IV or as half of a standalone disc, the latest GTA installment…
How does Rockstar Games plan to one-up the shock factor of full frontal male nudity from Grand Theft Auto: The Lost…
Grand Theft Auto IV's newest episode, The Ballad of Gay Tony, won't just build on the game's already strong…
That time code running in the bottom left leads us to believe that this brief teaser wasn't quite ready for prime…
Rockstar Games' second downloadable expansion for Grand Theft Auto IV hits in just a few weeks. The Xbox 360…
Niko Bellic never had friends, missions or "toys" like Luis Lopez gets next month.
Rockstar's surprise PSP installment to the formerly DS-only Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars made more sense in my…
The music games designed to make you feel like a guitar hero or a Beatle get the biggest headlines. But game…