It's time to shut the door on the least memorable shooter franchise of the previous generation. Online services for R…
Resistance started out as a Halo clone. It was to be Sony's answer to Microsoft, the PlayStation's own sci-fi…
Starting today, you'll be able to rampage your way through one of the PS3's best first-person shooters with a…
After the flawed Resistance 2, a game that drained the joy from the PlayStation 3's once very promising shooter…

If you're playing Resistance 3, you've likely come in contact with the digital recreation of two Resistance…
The invasion is over, the Chimera have won, and the end of humanity is nigh. But wait? What's that cresting the…

We would never call master filmmaker Freddie Wong a sell-out. But, the use of the SharpShooter and the Resistance 3…
Insomniac Games' PlayStation 3 shooter Resistance 3 has some of the best, some of the classiest box art of the year,…
Insomniac Games made Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, and Resistance 3. What about Resistance 4?

The first trailer I ever saw for Resistance 3 was live-action. The most recent one I've seen is all stylish…
Sony will be launching an entirely new Resistance game on the Vita titled Resistance: Burning Skies. Developed by…

While Resistance 3's single-player story sees players traipsing across the U.S., multiplayer is a trip around the…
At this year's E3 expo, Sony unveiled the PlayStation 3's "official 3D Display," a stereoscopic 3D package that…
The early access part of the beta for Sony's biggest exclusive first-person shooter of the holiday, Resistance 3,…

In case your curiosity hadn't gotten the better of you after Owen posted about Resistance 3's social networking…
In today's Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Armstrongjx4 expresses his desire to see humanity fall to the Chimera in…
Insomniac Games has launched the beta for a web-based strategy game called Global Resistance, described as a…
There was supposed to be chaos. There was supposed to be confusion. There was supposed to be collapse. There's…

The nondescript opening scenes of Resistance 3 seemed to me to fit the game: Everything is brown, bland, boring.…