Is Sony following the trail blazed by Electronic Arts and other third-party publishers by limiting who has access to…
Sony is trying to make 3D gaming on its PlayStation 3 more affordable with its very own PlayStation branded,…
Here's Resistance 3's E3 trailer. If you thought there wouldn't be anywhere left in America to blow up, you were…
Everyone ready? Folks in the cheap seats? Great. I'm just going to stop typing now and let you watch several…
Want a 3D display? How about a 3D display with PlayStation logo on it? Today at Sony's E3 press conference, the…
Sony just announced during its E3 press conference that on September 6 a special Resistance 3 bundle will be offered…
Want to play as Resistance and Resistance 2 hero Nathan Hale in Resistance 3's online multiplayer? You'd better…
The PlayStation 3-exclusive Resistance 3 will be up against many other first-person shooters this fall. Maybe some…
Resistance fans, you'll be able to get your hands on this—the flooded town of Wrightsburg, Missouri—next month, when…
Joseph Capelli's trip across the war torn, alien occupied America in Resistance 3 will make a stop in Mt. Pleasant,…
Players picking up SOCOM 4 for the PlayStation 3 on April 19 get a bonus in the form of early access to the…
PlayStation 3 shooter Resistance 3 will support Sony's PlayStation Move motion controller and the Sharpshooter gun…
Insomniac Games, creators of PlayStation staples Ratchet & Clank and Resistance, say they'll continue to stick to…
Are you in the greater Los Angeles area today? Then you might be able to get your hands on Resistance 3 and Ratchet…
Resistance 3 take on multiplayer reduces the player count from 40 to 16, something that turns what were sometimes…
The folks behind Resistance and Ratchet & Clank may be best known for their inventive, sometimes kooky weapons,…
This past weekend's Spike TV VGAs offered a first-look glimpse at Resistance 3 gameplay. Today, a new, longer…