Hate in-flight movies? Didn't bring a book? Like to game? A subsidiary of airline Korean Air, Jin Air, is here to…
Staggering layoffs, a slew of delays, console price drops, promising new technology and two new gaming platforms:…
While game publishers look to retail sales figures to gauge the success of the holiday season, let's take a look at…
I found myself doing something strange as I prepared for a 14 hour flight back to the United States this week:…
To the shock of very few, the advertisement about a week ago listing a "PSP-4000" in addition to PSPs 1000 through…
Christmas is a big production, but they don't roll credits at the end of it. Still, with the home a wasteland of…
From Alien Breed for the PSP to Valkyria Chronicles downloadable content, if it's Sega and it's on the PlayStation…
How can it not be? A new Metal Gear Solid, a new Kingdom Hearts, a new Valkyria Chronicles, maybe even that new…
What better day than a Wednesday to launch Sony's new digital comic book service on the PSP?
Tekken: Dark Resurrection was not only the best fighter to ever hit the Playstation Portable, it is still considered…
With any new hardware, gadget or platform comes a slew of peripherals and add-ons, some good, many worthless. The…
The PlayStation 3 gets an option 3.15 update on December 17th, adding the ability to transfer data between two…
Sony's downloadable PSP minis, which launched alongside the company's download-only PSPgo, may be getting a bigger…
Sony may have put aside plans to offer a UMD solution for PSPgo owners, but a third-party may be stepping up to the…
Showered with free titles since launch, European PSPgo owners can now take their pick of free MotorStorm, Gran…
It's Black Friday and many of you are probably already in the shopping trenches, elbow-deep in hysterical…
Despite the release of the digital-only PSPgo and an increasing push towards the delivery of content over the…
You can't have hardware without having accessories. That's just the way gadgets work. The PSPgo, out now for hefty…
The Playstation Portable got a fun, new little brother this year in the form of the slide-n-go, download-only PSPgo.