Countdown clocks... we love 'em! The makers of Metal Gear Solid, Burnout and Banjo Kazooie all have countdowns…
Sometimes, it's handy being reminded that "gamer" is a far bigger term than most of you realise. As evidenced by…
The people behind the PlayStation have been proudly promoting their 3D wares throughout the year, but today at Sony…
Some of the biggest PlayStation 3 games will be available to play in 3D this year. The first 3D games hit as early…
The number of games compatible with Sony's new motion controller for the PlayStation 3 increases by one today,…
So reckons this advert from a South African retailer. And before you go thumbing your nose at the ad's origin and…
Having let slip themselves that the game will support the PlayStation Move peripheral, it seems Sony's decision to…
Sony's PlayStation Move motion control peripheral has a lot in common with the Nintendo Wii, leading many to fear…
Jason Bradbury, host of Britain's "The Gadget Show", seems to know something the rest of us are only guessing at,…
This year's E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles has two of the biggest game companies go literally head-to-head…
So says THQ bossman Brian Farrell, who calms one of our fears about Sony and Microsoft's venture into the motion…
For most of its life, the Nintendo Wii Remote has been sheathed in rubber, its native form factor obscured over…
The "main" part of Sony's motion controller, the wand bit, is the PlayStation Move. The other, smaller peripheral?…
But, said Sony's top marketing officer, they look down their nose at Nintendo's motion control, and that's why the…
EA Sports doesn't sound enthusiastic about integrating Project Natal or PlayStation Move motion control into its FIFA…
The PlayStation Move thrives in darkness, could enable a new kind of Greek god game, has 10 hours of battery life, a…
The man behind the most advanced video game swordplay available today says the time is now right — and the…
Would you like to hear a developer speak freely about making a sequel to a game that was panned? Red Steel 2's Jason…
Two new demos of PlayStation Move, shot by us today, show some of the coolest things that Sony's Move motion…
Our PAX East party might be the convention's must-attend Friday night event, but what can you do on Thursday night?…