In theory, the PlayStation 3 controller is a complicated mechanism, a device with too many buttons for the average…
I don't know how amazing the games of PlayStation Move, September's Wii-like PlayStation 3 motion controller, are…
This is a page from Sony's Holiday 2010 catalog. Click it to enlarge before you start debating it. One element not…
Are you ready to invest in motion control for your PlayStation 3? Sony has laid out your options for hopping onto…
Sony has released a list of upcoming titles for the PlayStation Move's Japanese release. Accompanying that is a new…
On October 21, the PlayStation Move will hit Japanese retail. That's not all as there will be Move games as well.…
The good news is that Quantic Dream's moody adventure game for the PlayStation 3, Heavy Rain, is going to fully…
Maybe I should have dedicated more of my time at E3 to check out Time Crisis: Razing Storm for the PlayStation 3,…
Shown exclusively during the Sony E3 2010 press conference, SCEA's Sorcery made enough of an impression on us to…
Seeing the tools developers use to create games on the PlayStation Move could be the key to understanding the…
It may not have gotten the same attention as the original echochrome did at E3 2007, but the sequel looks like one…
That PlayStation Move gun sure looks...interesting, doesn't it?
Last year, Sony ruined Christmas in North America by delaying the adorable augmented-reality EyePet in order to…
Why, with this official (though not necessary) PlayStation Move charger, of course. It'll cost $30.
Sony's line-up for the recently priced and dated PlayStation Move controller, its weapon in the motion control war,…
The PlayStation Move has its own answer to the Zapper, the PlayStation Move Shooting Accessory. It's going to be…
The PlayStation Move controller will release in North America on Sept. 19, in Europe on Sept. 15, and in Japan on…
At Sony's E3 Press Conference, Guerrilla Games' Herman Hulst revealed that Killzone 3 will arive in February 2011,…
Sega Rally creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi is probably most loved for his 2001 synaesthetic shooter, Rez. This is Child of…
According to an "industry source" speaking with games site CVG, Sony will later this year release two new PS3…