The good news is that Quantic Dream's moody adventure game for the PlayStation 3, Heavy Rain, is going to fully support the PlayStation Move motion controller when it launches later this year. The bad news is that decision's impact.
Quantic Dream CEO David Cage says that the three individual hour-long episodes planned for the game are on the backburner until Move is fully integrated. "Unfortunately, Sony preferred to ask us to focus on Move to support the device rather than on creating new content," Cage told NowGamer.
"This is a decision I can understand, and I am certainly happy we had the opportunity to play with this device and to support it, although I am certainly disappointed for fans we could not finish the story of HR the way we intended," he added.
Whether we'll ever see those remaining Heavy Rain "Chronicles" remains to be seen—perhaps Move support will spur further interest—but Mr. Cage does not sound too pleased.
Cage Explains Heavy Rain DLC Cancellation [NowGamer]