How will Harmonix squeeze the full band experience of Rock Band onto the instrument-free PSP? By making Rock Band…
Why haven't you picked up Persona 4 yet? Is it because, like me, you have about 10 hours of gaming time a week max…
While the closure of Circuit City may mean excellent (and not so excellent) deals on video games and electronics, it…
A Colorado man filed complaints against three Aurora police officers alleging they beat him, leaving him bruised…
Electronic Arts' take on toy-turned-cartoon-turned-movie, G.I. Joe, will be unveiled during next week's Toy Fair in…
Nintendo is doing well. The "$17 billion in sales last year" type of well, with more than $2 billion in profit. To…
Not to be outdone by Atlus' overly wordy game announcement, Aksys Games has officially divulged its plans today to…
Atlus announced today that it will indeed be bringing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King…
Good work, Atlus. Your "Atlus Faithful" e-mail newsletter works like a charm, because every Kotaku reader and his…
Sony may be planning at least one more PSP to PlayStation 2 port, if a Q1 European release list is accurate. Do you…
Given that Sony had its best sales of the year this December, it has reason to be pleased with its end of year…
The Playstation 2, born in 2000, continues to churn out impressive sales despite being a generation behind the…
Yo, dawg, Audiovox heard you like the PlayStation 2 and car ownership. So it co-branded with Sony on a PlayStation 2…
The PlayStation family didn't have an ideal November, but Sony's not letting an across-the-board decline bring it…
Persona 4 is Persona 3 with a murder mystery factored into the equation of high school dating sim plus dungeon…
Let's face it. The PlayStation family didn't blow any socks off with its performance for the month of October. In…
Starting a band and rocking the world got a hell of a lot cheaper today, as Harmonix, MTV Games and EA have dropped…
I’m pretty sure the Persona series wasn’t the first JPRG to pair off dungeon crawling with high school – but whoever…
Following the weekend rumor that Sony had nixed delivery of electronic goodies to Circuit City amid credit concerns…
LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, LocoRoco 2 (And More) Dated For Europe - A buncha games have been given European release dates overnight. Which ones? LittleBigPlanet will be out November 5. Resistance 2 will be out November 28. MotorStorm 2 will be out November 7. SingStar Disney on November 7. And LocoRoco 2 on… Read more