A few weeks back, Ouya launched a campaign with the very best intentions. They wanted to encourage developers to…
Ouya's "Free the Games Fund" promises to double a crowdfunded game's money—if it releases exclusively for the…
Earlier in the week, the developers of upcoming Ouya exclusive Gridiron Thunder faced allegations that their…
Company offers to double the money a game makes on Kickstarter in exchange for exclusivity. What could possibly go…
I don't really have the words to describe this ad, although it's not official according to Ouya. Whoever made this…
Thanks to an investment from the Ouya team, Ryan Green and Josh Larson's interactive exploration of a family coping…
It hasn't been a great first month for Ouya. The best reviews of the console have been mild in their praise. Lots of…
Granted, it's not a lot of store credit. In fact, it's just $13.37 apiece. But hey, it's the thought that counts.
When you play an Ouya, you can try a demo of every single game available, without ever having to buy a thing. Which…
Here's IGN taking a look at how the Ouya's games are doing sales-wise. Matt Thorson's TowerFall, for example, the Ouya's current best-selling app and a game which we rather liked when it was shown at E3 last month, made a modest $21,000 since its June 25th release. Read more
Next time you complain about Half-Life 3 taking forever, consider this: the modern game of chess is believed to have…
The good people at Gamesies have (had?) an Ouya. Here is their guide to getting the most out of the system.
The only people who ever lose a console war are people who make games. The people who actually play games usually…
Amazing Frog is an Ouya exclusive game where we basically have nothing else to do but jump and mess around as a frog…
It's a good deal, since they're apparently buying their pizza wholesale in Copenhagen these days.
Just in case you'd forgotten that the Ouya console can play emulated games, a major retailer's advertisement in the…
If I was writing a book of personal gaming records, I'd mark up a page for the Ouya: New console that stayed in the…
Ouya, which launched today even if many donors don't yet have their machines, is an Android-based, open source…
Ouya, the Android-powered, crowdfunded indie console, arrives in stores today but shipping snafus mean many backers…
I have this problem having what humans call "fun" at E3.