When DMC: Devil May Cry was first unveiled, all people could see (and react to, and shriek in horror at) was the…
DMC: Devil May Cry isn't only getting a new trailer at this year's Gamescom, it's getting new screens. Funny that!
Devil May Cry is getting reworked as DMC: Devil May Cry—a fresh take on an old favorite.
Ninja Theory's Enslaved may not have been one of 2010's more memorable games, but these custom action figures built…
The makers of this month's enjoyable Enslaved: Odyssey To The West will offer a $10 downloadable expansion to their…
Writer Alex Garland of The Beach and 28 Days Later fame penned Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. That game was…
There is a man named Monkey and a woman named Trip. New York City is in shambles, its landmarks collapsed or covered…
Enslaved has Hollywood talent like actress Lindsay Shaw. The game was written by Alex Garland of 28 Days Later and…
No matter how much you may hate the new punk look of Devil May Cry's Dante, keep in mind it could have been worse.
Hideki Kamiya created Devil May Cry. So what does he have to say about Ninja Theory's new, controversial take on the…
Tonight in Tokyo, Capcom showed off its upcoming Devil May Cry title, DmC. This is the game's first trailer.
in the latest developer diary for Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, the fine folks at Ninja Theory…
Today at GamesCom I witnessed a monkey touching a pig's penis. Perhaps I should explain.
Monkey and Trip show off their co-dependent relationship in this latest trailer for upcoming action game Enslaved:…
Namco Bandai unleashes a slew of gorgeous new screenshots for Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West to…
Ninja Theory's lush post-apocalyptic game Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is just one of the many action-adventure…
Alex Garland made a name for himself as the writer of the novel The Beach. Then he wrote the script for horror…
Developer Ninja Theory will work its multiplatform ninjitsu with Enslaved, a lovely looking post apocalyptic buddy…
Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory has already proven that they can make "post apocalyptic" pretty with Enslaved:…
According to a site transcribing something from the latest of Game Informer (we know, we know), Heavenly Sword…